Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

To Load the Bentley OpenUtilities Designer Tables

The Database folder on the distribution CD includes an Oracle .dmp file. This file must be loaded in the appropriate Oracle instance by the administrator or another user familiar with Oracle DBA concepts.

  1. To load the dump file, in the Database folder, edit the batch file update_db.bat by changing the password and instance name for the "sys" user for the database (in 5 places).
  2. Add the any new Bentley OpenUtilities Designer users to the file edusers.sql (full instructions are provided in the file header).
    Note: Ignore this step if the database already has the required users.
  3. Edit the file update_report_path.sql and put it in the directory or UNC for where the reports are located. If this is a UNC, then the directory needs to be shared.
  4. Make sure there is no active user session on the database instance to which the dump file is to be imported.
  5. Run the batch file update_db.bat.